COVID Medicines
Delivery Unit

We provide a COVID Medicines Delivery Unit service that supports high-risk, non-hospitalised patients with Covid-19. The service operates 7 days a week, from 09:00 until 17:00.

Referrals are made to us via NHS 111, GP Practices and hospital specialists. For patients, if you have tested positive for Covid-19 and need advice, you should contact your local GP Practice or call NHS 111.

medical cover

We provide an Out-of-Hours hospice service from 18:30 until 08:00 Monday to Friday, 24 hours over the weekend and all public holidays. Ward rounds are also provided on alternate weekends.

medical cover

We provide an Out-of-Hours prison service between 21:00 until 08:30 Monday to Friday, 24 hours over the weekend and all public holidays.

Call centre

Based in Aston, our call centre operates 24/7. It is supported by a dedicated team of clinical and operational staff, who provide support and medical advice to a population of 1.3 million people

Quick Links

If you need medical help, call 111, and in emergencies, please call 999.