Badger currently provides the following:
Primary Healthcare within Her Majesty’s Prisons
Badger provides out of hours cover for HMP Birmingham.
GP Registrar Training
Badger provides OOH training for GP Registrars linked to practices in Birmingham and Solihull.
GP provision for Hospital Wards
Badger provides a GP service to assist with ward round duties.
Management Services
Badger provides independent management support services including Finance and HR, to GP Practices.
Call Centre Services
Our state-of-the-art call centre operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Providing direct access to medical help and advice. It is backed up by medical teams which include some of the most experienced primary care clinicians in the country operating out of a network of primary care centres.
There is capacity for additional activity especially during the day and we are happy to discuss the provision of call handling and contact centre services.